Category Archives: Insurance

Home Insurance – Is It A Legal Requirement?

In our day to day lives there are some types of insurance that we are required to hold by governmental law. If you drive a car for example you are required to hold at least the minimum third party motor insurance policy. There are other types of insurance that we are not legally required to hold such as life insurance, though many choose to hold it to protect their loved ones were the worst to happen. When it comes to home insurance though, things get a little confusing. Although governmental law does not require that a home owner holds a home insurance policy, you may still have a legal responsibility to adequately insure your home.

AppleCare+ VS Gadget Insurance VS Bank Insurance

Protecting our gadgets has now become a huge priority in life for most of us. A report from earlier in 2020 showed that the typical British adult spends about £40,000 on technology in their whole life, including over 20 mobile phones, 16 games consoles and the same number of computers or laptops. 

Main Image for Do You Really Need Pet Insurance

Do You Really Need Pet Insurance?

We all know that Britain is a nation of pet lovers. The PFMA calculates that 45% of households here have pets, with a total of around 51 million domestic pets around the country. Many of these animals are beloved members of the family that we simply can’t imagine living without. 

Multi Pet Insurance Discounts - Who offers the best deal?

Multi Pet Insurance Discounts – Who Offers the Best Deal?

Pet insurance can be expensive, especially when you are insuring more than one pet. To win your business most pet insurance providers will offer some kind of multi pet discount with their policies. But which UK pet insurance company offers the best multi pet discount? Let’s look at 3 popular pet insurers to see what they have to offer.

Cute Puppy - Don't forget insurance!

January’s Here – Don’t Forget Insurance!

It’s the start of January and I’m guessing the last thing you all want to be thinking about right now is insurance, right? After all, you’ve probably just spent a small fortune on gadgets, bikes, pets and more. Why on earth would you want to spend more money?