Category Archives: Special Posts
How Google Home and Amazon Echo Can Help Disabled People
While voice activation and voice activated devices may still be just a bit of fun to most of us, a recent experience has helped me to see that they hold massive potential benefits for disabled people, especially somebody who may be paralysed completely.
Win £5000 with Zurich’s #shareyourgoal Competition!
Have you ever heard the saying “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail”? I’m sure you have. This basic principle highlights the importance of setting specific plans or goals in life. Without a plan or goal, many people would simply drift through life, letting life control them rather than them controlling it!
5 Ways to Make 2017 Your Best Financial Year Yet!
2017 is here already, can you believe it? Did you achieve your financial goals in 2016 or did the year just seem to pass you by? If you found that your financial goals went a little bit out of the window then here are 5 simple things that you could change this year to make 2017 your best financial year yet!
Which Utility Bills Are the Most Difficult to Pay? – Infographic
For a vast number of people in the UK, just finding the money to pay the most basic of household bills each month can be a real struggle. By the time you’ve paid your mortgage or rent payment, fed your family for the month and taken care of putting clothes on their backs too, often the last thing you want to do is watch the money for your council tax, electricity, gas and water go out of your current account too!
Are You as Prepared for Death as You Think?
While death is a bit of a morbid subject to talk about, when it comes to financial planning it is also an extremely important one. After all, if you fail to plan properly for this – let’s face it – inevitable event, then the growing costs of arranging a ‘proper send-off’ are likely to be passed on to your loved ones to deal with instead. This will only add more stress to an extremely distressing and upsetting time for them.